Exclude certain stores from scrapes?

I’m running scrapes for gourmet grocery and health food stores, and I want to exclude chains like Kroger and Whole Foods. Is there a way to do that?

Hello @jdm4,
Unfortunately, no indicator on GM indicates if a store is a part of a chain or not.

hello vlad! By now there is an enrichment in Google Maps Scraper “Chain info”. How does it work? Finds other businesses with the same site/name? And is it possible to filter by it?

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hi @Natalia_Rudenko,

Yes! There is a new enrichment called Chain Info. It identifies if a business is part of a chain (big company with many locations, e.g. Walmart), and adds a true/false indication to your data.

It only adds an indicator True/False; currently, the filtering for it is not available.